PERSONAL LIFE INSURANCE Your Insurance remains intact even if you switch lenders Portability BANK MORTGAGE INSURANCE When you switch mortgage providers, you usually need to reapply for your mortgage insurance. You own the policy and choose the beneficiary you want to receive the death benefit. Control The lender owns the policy and assigns itself as […]

Travel Insurance – To Buy or Not to Buy?
The term travel insurance can be often confusing for new travelers as this is commonly used to describe a few different types of insurance. This doesn’t just offer medical expenses and lost-baggage cost, but a lot more. Before getting a travel insurance Brampton, you should know what kind of coverage the policy includes. There are […]

Top Reasons to Start RESP Today
Post-secondary education is costly and since it’s going to be more expensive in the future, you have to be prepared for it. To save yourself and your child from loads of their education cost, you might want to start a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). The RESP is created to allow you to save for […]